Author Archives: dragontactics

Alumni Club China | Dragon tactics: Chinese entrepreneurs face uncertainty

Today, we focus on Sandrine ZERBIB’s interview to introduce the theme of her book on entrepreneurship in China.

Sandrine had the opportunity to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of Western and Chinese approaches to business, and draw valuable lessons from them, which she sets out in her book “Dragon Tactics”, co-written with Aldo Spaanjaars in 2022.

Chinese management practices

The business world often wonders why Chinese companies such as Huawei, Alibaba, Tencent…, are performing so well in terms of competitiveness and international market share gains, while some Western companies are finding it extremely difficult to establish themselves in China (failure of Amazon, Carrefour). All the answers can be found in a recent book by Sandrine Zerbib and Aldo Spaanjaars entitled: Dragon Tactics: how Chinese entrepreneurs thrive in uncertainty, BIS Publishers, August 30, 2022, 240 pages.

ActuRetail | Sandrine Zerbib (Full Jet): “The strength of Chinese companies lies in their ability to listen to their consumers”.

With nearly thirty years’ experience in China’s consumer sector, Sandrine Zerbib is a keen observer of the business and retail news shaking the Middle Kingdom.

In August 2022, she published Dragon Tactics (Dunod Editions), which deciphers the tactics implemented by certain Chinese champions, from Huawei and Xiaomi to Alibaba and Tencent. Sandrine Zerbib answers Actu Retail’s questions on the differences in business models from one continent to another.