Competitiveness of Chinese companies: the art of leading under uncertainty

The success of Chinese companies is the envy of many. How to succeed in China? To answer this question, Ali Laïdi welcomes Sandrine Zerbib, a Frenchwoman who has been living in China for 25 years and is the co-author of the book “Dragon Tactics: the tactics of Chinese entrepreneurs to better lead in uncertainty”. “Talking…

Why European bosses could learn from Chinese-style management

🔹 3 adjectifs pour définir le profil des chefs d’entreprise chinois ?Brillants, volontaires, visionnaires.  🔹 Leur plus grande qualité ? Leur capacité d’observation.  Ils utilisent la data à fond pour comprendre leurs marchés et les consommateurs. En Occident, on nous a appris à bien penser, à être analytiques. En Chine on leur a appris à bien observer. Ils…

ASIALYST: Understanding good Chinese management.

To read: “Dragon tactics” by Sandrine Zerbib and Aldo Spaanjaars (Editions DUNOD), which explains the success of Chinese management from #WeChat to #Shein. We were delighted to host Sandrine Zerbib at #ConversationsFRAsie2022. She spoke on #Globalization vs #Fragmentation and discussed with the rest of the panel how collaboration in a melting pot of cultures leads…