Actu Retail qui m’a offert de l’espace pour développer mon propos et partager mon expérience de la Chine.
➡️ Pourquoi j’ai voulu écrire Dragon Tactics avec Aldo Spaanjaars, comment expliquer que des enseignes internationales réussissent et d’autres échouent en Chine, quelle est l’essence de la philosophie du changement, comment se comportent les patrons chinois, que va devenir le paternalisme d’entreprise, etc.
🖌️ EXCERPT « The publication of this book comes at a time when China is getting a bad press. We wanted, quite simply, to say: « Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater! Behind the political aspect of China that displeases the West, there are 1.4 billion inhabitants and an extremely rich entrepreneurial fabric, with a wide variety of individuals. It’s essential to observe the developments unfolding there, not only because of the existence of an extremely large market, but also because the country – if only because of its population, size, history and culture – deserves to be scrutinized more finely than what’s said about it on TV sets. »