The factors of uncertainty are multiplying and we have lost the reassuring notion of normality. The idea is not to sink into a paralysing fear, but rather to become aware of this new state of affairs so that we can find tools to move forward in this context. It is possible, it is a question…
Category Archives: Press release
China has just implemented a new regulation on personal data protection. What does this new framework change in concrete terms?
The law was passed this summer and came into force on November 1st. In the space of a few months, the country has gone from a total artistic blur in terms of private data management to one of the strictest regulations in the world.
In China, there’s a generation gap, every three years, they say. Having spent the weekend to reacquaint myself with Shanghai’s retail scene, it struck me how young most shoppers are. Especially compared to my latest experiences in the Netherlands and Germany. Although it hit me, it did NOT come as a surprise. In China, younger…
The Chinese economy had shone in 2020, when it emerged from the crisis ahead of all other countries in the world. 2021 is marked by a slowdown: growth in China is losing color. A phenomenon to be followed closely for the impact it may have on the Chinese market and on the global recovery. For…
Le lendemain du jour où la Chine, et de plus en plus le reste du monde, se sont trouvés sous le coup de l’extravagance des achats en ligne du Double 11, le jour des célibataires, il est tout à fait approprié de mettre une fois de plus en lumière l’infrastructure phénoménale du commerce de détail…
Why and how the profound changes in consumer habits are shaping a totally new relationship with digital and consumption? What strategies should brands develop? Buying is now a journey that we make while sitting in front of our smartphone, from home, in public transport… An immobile but virtually nomadic act! Once loyal to one or…
En 2019, Carrefour, le géant français de la distribution, a dû admettre sa défaite en Chine et a vendu ses activités chinoises au conglomérat local Suning. Un véritable tournant dans le commerce de détail en Chine, car Carrefour a été très prospère et rentable pendant près de deux décennies. Principales raisons de l’échec. Un manque…
Since I first wrote about the fan economy and the reasons behind it a few months ago, things have turned upside down. The first significant blow to the fan economy was the ban on celebrity ranking lists. This celebrity ranking ban led to the removal of 150,000 pieces of “harmful online content” and the punishment…
Dans l’article du Jing Daily que je reporte ici, Glyn Atwal donne quelques bonnes raisons pour lesquelles de nombreuses entreprises de mode échouent en Chine. Sous-estimation de la concurrence locale, manque de rapidité, manque de nouveauté, méconnaissance des consommateurs locaux et absence de nécessité de développer des stratégies adaptées au contexte local. Bien que les…
What’s the private domain in China, and what does it have to do with E-commerce? During the pandemic, brands and retailers increasingly turned to digital channels to compensate for offline retail losses. Private traffic is a way for brands to collect and own first-hand data, thus gaining more control over the customer experience – creating…