Category Archives: Press release

Interview with Delphine Levêque, Editorial Director of Dunod, September 2022

Interview with Delphine Levêque, editorial director of the economics, management andmanagement department of the Dunod publishing house, for agreeing to come back on the genesis of the publication ofthe genesis of the publication of “Dragon Tactics” in French, notably on the way a publishing house works and itsrelationship with the authors.


Interview of the authors with Paul French in the China-Britain Business Council magazine about the book Dragon Tactics.  Aldo Spaanjaars and Sandrine Zerbib had the opportunity to discuss here the management culture in China and some of the typical strategies of business leaders. Fascinated by the management intelligence that they have observed for 30 years, it was also necessary to…

Interview d’Aldo Spaanjaars au Leiden Asia Centre

“Les entrepreneurs et les chefs d’entreprise sont confrontés à une nouvelle ère d’imprévisibilité et d’incertitude.incertitude. Covid-19. Ukraine. Prix de l’énergie. Défis climatiques. Numérisation et robotisation rapides. Et tout celadans un paysage géopolitique entièrement nouveau. Pourquoi les entrepreneurs chinois s’en sortent-ils si bien ? La réponse la plus simple est la suivante : ils n’ont jamais…

David Baverez’s “Rising Sun” column : What Chinese managers can teach us

In the highly uncertain world ahead, Western managers would do well to learn from their Chinese counterparts for their ability to adapt and their speed of execution.

The new économiste I Analysis of Chinese management culture, unlike in the West

Paul-Henri Moinet’s analysis bounces off what Sandrine Zerbib develops in the book with Aldo with Aldo Spaanjaars, and it’s gratifying to see the conversation continue with echoeswith echoes from other writers passionate about the same subject: the culture and way of working ofin China. Excerpt 👇🏼 “The Chinese conception of business reverses many Western…

Webinar Dragon Tactics

Even before the conflict in the Ukraine, the world had entered a new era of uncertainty. Covid 19
disruptions merely added to climate change challenges, a new geopolitical situation with the rise of China
and rapid digitization. This powerful combination of factors of uncertainty is putting increasing strain on
traditional business operating models.
Dragon Tactics, written by 2 China veterans – Aldo Spaanjaars and Sandrine Zerbib, makes the case that
Chinese entrepreneurs have only known uncertainty.